











Hugh H.T. Liu (刘泓涛)

University of Toronto


Title:Coordinated control for Autonomous Drone Sampling Applications


In this talk, we will present recent research and development projects involving multi-unmanned aerial systems for several autonomous missions. The focus is placed on the aerodynamic impact and the corresponding control solutions.  Based on our investigation, the major conclusion is drawn to demonstrate the promising feature of integrated flight dynamics and control.


Hugh H.T. Liu is a Professor of the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, where he has been on the faculty since 2000. He currently also serves as the Director of Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Centre for Aerial Robotics Research and Education. In 2022, he was named as the fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) Senior Awards recognizes Canadians for their outstanding achievement in aeronautics, space and related technologies. For the 2021 Senior Awards, Professor Hugh H.T. Liu was awarded the CASI McCurdy Award, presented for his outstanding achievement in the science and creative aspects of engineering relating to aeronautics and space research.



Haibin Duan (段海滨)



Title:Manned/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hybrid Intelligent Swarm Inspired by Bird Flocks


In complex and dynamic mission environments, a single unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will suffer from fatal drawbacks, such as the limitation in sensing range, computing capacity, and weapon power. Therefore, the usage of manned/unmanned aerial vehicle hybrid intelligent swarms for mission implementation will be a better choice for the dilemma single unmanned aerial vehicle plunge in, which requires the capacity of precise real-time perception of emergency, autonomous decision making, and mission re-planning.

In this talk, the relation between collective motion in bird flocks and the hybrid intelligent swarms of manned/unmanned aerial vehicle is explored. Due to the similarity between UAV swarms and bird flocks in essence, establishing their mapping relation will provide a novel but feasible approach to the fully autonomous manned/ unmanned aerial vehicle hybrid intelligent swarm control. The recent progresses in biologically manned/unmanned aerial vehicle hybrid intelligent swarm will also be highlighted.


Haibin Duan is currently a professor with the School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, China, and the vice director of the State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, BUAA. He is a Fellow of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA).

He received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 2014. He was also enrolled in the Chang Jiang Scholars Program of China in 2018, Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Talent of “Ten Thousand Plan”-National High Level Talents Special Support Plan in 2017, and Top-Notch Young Talents Program of China in 2012, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China in 2010, and Beijing NOVA Program in 2007.

He is the director of Technical Committee on Guidance Navigation and Control (TCGNC), Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA), and the director of Technical Committee on Unmanned Aerial Systems Autonomous Control (TCUASAC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Guidance, Navigation and Control, Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. He has authored or coauthored more than 90 publications and 4 monographs. His current research interests are bio-inspired intelligence, and unmanned systems swarm autonomous control.



Fang Deng (邓方)








2020年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2018年入选中组部“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”青年拔尖人才,2016年获北京市科技新星。获国家科技进步奖二等奖1项,部级科技进步奖一、二等奖8项,日内瓦国际发明展金奖1项,银奖2项,北京市教学成果一等奖、二等奖各1项,中国自动化学会CAA高等教育教学成果奖一等奖1项,中国青年科技奖、北京市科学技术奖杰出青年中关村奖、中国自动化学会青年科学家奖等荣誉。担任中国自动化学会副秘书长、青年工作委员会副主任,环境感知与保护自动化专委会副主任,装备发展部多个专业组专家、IEEE高级会员、中国指挥与控制学会多个专业委员会委员,兼任《中国大百科全书》(第三版)控制科学与工程学科智能控制分支主编,《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles》、《自动化学报》、《控制工程》、《哈尔滨工业大学学报》、《指挥与控制学报》等期刊编委。



Junwei Han (韩军伟)







西北工业大学自动化学院院长,IEEE Fellow,长江学者特聘教授,国家万人计划科技创新领军人才,科睿唯安全球“高被引科学家”,爱思唯尔中国“高被引学者”。主要研究方向是人工智能、模式识别、类脑计算、遥感影像解译等。在领域顶级期刊/会议如:Proceedings of the IEEE,IEEE TPAMI,CVPR等发表学术论文150余篇,论文被引用2.6万次。3篇论文入选年度中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文。获2021年度IEEE地球科学与遥感学会最有影响力论文奖、国际期刊IEEE TCSVT 2021最佳论文奖、国际会议IEEE BIBM 2018最佳论文奖,国际会议ACM Multimedia 2010,MICCAI 2011和ICME 2016最佳学生论文奖提名。培养多名博士生/博士后获得中国图象图形学学会优秀博士论文、陕西省优秀博士论文、博士后创新人才支持计划、国家级青年人才计划、高被引科学家、吴文俊人工智能优秀青年奖等。获陕西省科学技术一等奖、吴文俊人工智能技术发明一等奖等7项省部级科技奖。担任IEEE TPAMI、《中国科学:信息科学》等多个国内外期刊编委,任国际会议如CVPR等的领域主席。


Speaker (报告人):

Ligang Wu (吴立刚)



Title:Intelligent perception and control of space unmanned systems

Abstract :

This talk is concerned with the intelligent perception and autonomous control of space moving target, which serves in many significant space on-orbit services including garbage clearance, space station maintenance and military attack, etc. The procedures to capture a moving target, especially a non-cooperative one, usually include perception, motion estimation and autonomous capturing. The perception of moving targets refers to using vision, radar and/or other techniques to obtain the basic information of the target and track its movement. The motion estimation is to resolve the pose and velocity of the moving target. The autonomous capturing aims at avoiding the rigid contact between the manipulator and the moving target. This talk covers front-edge topics such as fast corner extraction method for high precision perception and measurement, novel point cloud registration data fusion strategy for real-time motion estimation, advanced control schemes for task-space tracking and autonomous capturing, and discussions of these methods regarding their key problems and challenges in practical applications.

Biography :

Ligang Wu (M'10–SM'12–F'20) received the B.S. degree in Automation from Harbin University of Science and Technology, China in 2001; the M.E. degree in Navigation Guidance and Control from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2003; the PhD degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2006. He was a Research Associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, and a Research Associate in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London. He joined the Harbin Institute of Technology in 2008, and now he is a Full professor and the Dean of the School of Astronautics of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Prof. Wu is a Fellow of the IEEE (for contributions to sliding mode control and robust filtering), and the Highly Cited Researcher (since 2015). He was the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2015, and was named as the National High-Level Talents (Distinguished Professor) in 2017. He received the China Youth Wusi Medal in 2016. He serves/served as an Associate Editor for a number of journals, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, and IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. He has published 8 research monographs and more than 260 research papers in international referred journals. His current research interests include analysis and design for complex dynamical systems, autonomous intelligent unmanned systems, intelligent systems and robot technology, machine vision and intelligent detection technology, and power electronic systems.



Wei He (贺威)







贺威,北京科技大学智能科学与技术学院院长、人工智能研究院院长、智能仿生无人系统感知与控制教育部重点实验室主任、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、国家万人计划领军人才。主要从事智能无人系统领域的研究,发表Automtica和IEEE汇刊论文90余篇。先后担任IEEE TRO、IEEE TCST、IEEE TSMCA、《中国科学:信息科学》、《自动化学报》等期刊编委。担任中国自动化学会理事、青年工作委员会主任、中国人工智能学会智能控制与智能管理专业委员会副主任、 IEEE SMC学会北京分会主任、IEEE自主仿生飞行机器人委员会主任。曾获教育部自然科学一等奖、吴文俊人工智能自然科学一等奖、中国自动化学会自然科学一等奖、中国自动化学会技术发明一等奖、中国自动化学会青年科学家奖。先后主持国家自然科学基金杰青项目、优青项目、重点项目、国际合作交流项目、JW科技委重点项目、特区项目、北京市杰青等20余项。



Yuxin Zhao (赵玉新)



Title:Progress and trends of navigation technology for autonomous underwater vehicle(自主水下航行器导航技术发展动态)


In recent years, autonomous underwater vehicle technology has developed rapidly, and the performance of navigation technology directly restricts the ability of the vehicle to carry out various tasks. This report will outline the basic composition and technical framework of the underwater autonomous vehicle navigation system, focus on analyzing the main problems and technical trends in the current development, and give the latest developments of relevant navigation technologies around the needs of the future development of underwater vehicles finally.



Zhao Yuxin, professor of the College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering of Harbin Engineering University, director of the Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education of “Navigation Instrument”, and leader of the national innovation team, IET Fellow, who has won the China Youth Science and Technology Award and Huo Yingdong Education and Teaching Award. He has been engaged in the research and teaching of ship navigation technology for a long time, and has presided over and won three first prizes of provincial and ministerial teaching and research awards.

(赵玉新,哈尔滨工程大学智能科学与工程学院教授,导航仪器教育部工程研究中心主任,国家级创新团队带头人,IET Fellow。曾获中国青年科技奖,霍英东教育教学奖。长期从事船舶导航技术研究和教学工作,主持获得省部级教学科研一等奖3项。)

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